Community Acupuncture

Community Acupuncture enables you to receive Acupuncture treatment more frequently and affordably. Treatments are offered in a group setting in a comfortable room. When you arrive, the room is setup with a number of reclining chairs, providing a relaxing environment. Acupuncture is provided while you are fully clothed – just remove your shoes and socks and roll up your pants and sleeves to access point locations. You will receive treatments on the front and distal points of your body: legs, arms, hands, feet, ears. Community clinics provide a sliding scale fee that allows you to pay what you can afford, enabling more frequent treatments.

Please check in at Hemma to find out when I am available as a substitute practitioner:

1274 May St.
Victoria, BC
V8V 2T2


An interview by Focus Magazine in Victoria about my approach to health here.